Eternal Legacy
Your legacy never ends. I hope you understand this. If you live your life standing for Christ, and people see that difference in you and...

Time to Be a World-Changer
The day will come when there will be no more time for seeking and no more time for saving. One day it will be too late. What we do until...

Ready for Eternity?
If you were to take a quick look through your house, you would obviously find a variety of items. Each one has its own distinct “life...

Giving it All to Get the Best
It is so easy to try to seek fulfillment and satisfaction in what the world offers, but there is a better way. Jesus offers it to us....

The Time is Now
There is A LOT going on in our world and in our nation today. BOKO HARAM—Killing and kidnapping Christians in Africa. ISIS—If you want...