Christ-Centered Christmas -- Day 6

Gary Johnson was deeply saddened. He lamented the fact that Jesus’ selfless coming that first Christmas had been lost in the consumerism of our American Christmas. Because of this, he decided to fight back. He told his family not to give him any presents at all for Christmas, but rather whatever would have been spent on him should be in the form of a donation to a Christian charity.
So each Christmas, instead of gifts wrapped nicely in pretty packages, Gary received white envelopes. As he opened each envelope, he would see the Christian charity that had been donated to. His wife and children always waited expectantly to see where each of them had donated in their father’s name.
When Gary tragically died, his children continued the tradition. It is now the highlight of their Christmas to see where all the donations in their father’s name have gone.
What was the purpose of Jesus coming that first Christmas according to John 3:16 and 17?
How is selfless love mirrored in these verses and in that first Christmas?
How are you modeling selfless love and sacrifice this Christmas?
Who do you know that is in need this Christmas? How can you sacrifice for them?
Thank God for modeling selfless sacrifice
Confess to God, if necessary, being too self-focused and not enough Christ-focused this Christmas season
Ask God to show you how and where to model selflessness and sacrifice
Pray for opportunities to work in the lives of others
Be sure that you have given the last question some serious thought. Pray diligently over it
If you did not do so yesterday, brainstorm how you can sacrificially give for others this holiday season